MULTI2HYCAT Webinar Functional Organic-Inorganic Hybrids for Enhancing Catalytic Processes -18 June 2021
“Spotlight on zeolites and MOFs as catalysts: similarities and differences; strengths and weakness”
2nd International School on Porous Materials: MOFschool2021
“Understanding MOFs by spectroscopy methods – Fundamentals and Selected Applications to UiO MOFs”
PARACAT Summer school – Saragoza Experimental and computational methods towards molecular structure and reactivity – 19-23 July 2021
“IR, Raman and UV-Visible spectroscopies applied at microporous materials for selective adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis. Zeolites and MOFs as case studies”
Virtual Stanford/SLAC SUNCAT Summer Institute – 16-19 August 2021
“Catalytic materials under investigation through the eye of a spectroscopist“
First International Edition of the 21st Chinese Zeolite Conference (21CZC), Qingdao, China, 27th-30th September 2021 & NECZA 2021: the 25th (virtual) Meeting of the North-East Corridor Zeolite Association, Princeton, 3 December 2021
“IR, Raman, UV-Visible and XAS spectroscopies used to give insight on Zeolites used as catalysts”
International Workshop on Synchrotron and Neutron Radiation, Rostov on-Don 6-7 December, 2021
“In situ spectroscopies for determination of active sites in zeolites”
Sedute accademiche , Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, 10th December 2021
“Novel catalyst for sustainability“
Giovedì Scienza, streaming direct, 10th February, 2022
“Molecole sostenibili: come replicare artificialmente e in modo efficiente i processi naturali”
Il futuro ispirato alla natura: strategie, materiali, processi e orizzonte della transizione sostenibile , Regione Lombardia, Milan, 18th March 2022
“Novel catalyst for sustainability“